Process of Election of Executive February 2018
The term of the current HPC-SIG Executive Committee has expired so the HPC-SIG will be electing a new executive at its February meeting. Nominations close at 5 pm on Thursday 1st February.
Executive Roles
The new Executive will comprise the following roles, each serving for two years from date of election. The Secretary post is being re-introduced; the current Vice-Chair has also been acting as Secretary in what was intended to be a temporary arrangement.
The Chair shall preside over all general meetings of the HPC-SIG.
The Chair is the official representative of the HPC-SIG.
In the absence of the Chair the Vice Chair will preside over all general meetings of the HPC-SIG.
The Vice-Chair is responsible for organising general meetings and ensuring minutes are recorded and reported.
The Vice-Chair shall oversee the election process.
The Treasurer shall maintain financial records, distribute funds properly authorized by the HPC-SIG and assure compliance with terms and conditions of any outside funding agency.
The treasurer shall ensure annual subscriptions are collected.
Jointly with the Chair, the Treasurer is responsible for the finances of the HPC-SIG.
Communications Officer
The Communications officer shall manage and maintain all communications media for the HPC-SIG, to include any social media such as twitter as appropriate.
The Communications officer with the Chair is responsible for delivering the biennial HPC-SIG report.
The role of the Secretary is to support the Chair in ensuring the smooth functioning of the Executive Committee by:
Ensuring meetings are effectively organised and minuted
Maintaining effective records and administration
Communication and correspondence
The web site is currently hosted on a WordPress site at the University of Southampton. Paul Hatton has offered to move it to a hosted WordPress site on 1&1 after he retires in May, and will work with the Communications Officer during the web site relocation and subsequent ongoing maintenance to the underlying structure of the site. Once the relocated site is active a volunteer will be sought to handle routine updates of the information on the site, such as maintaining the meetings/events and membership pages.
Nomination Process
The rules and process for the election shall be as follows:
Only Primary Members and Secondary Members who represent Universities (full members) may be nominated to stand for election.
Nominations should be made to the current Vice-Chair, Paul Hatton (, by email, no later than 5pm on Thursday 1st February 2018.
Only Primary Members are able to nominate; it is expected that Primary Members would consult with Secondary Members from their home institution regarding nominations.
Primary Members may not nominate other members from their home institution.
Primary Members may not nominate themselves.
It is expected that nominators will seek the consent of nominees.
Nominees for Chair should receive at least two nominations in order to be eligible to stand for election. Only one Seconder is required for a Nominee for Chair.
Nominees for Chair will be expected to provide a brief statement in support of their nomination, by email to, by 16:00 on Thursday 8th February 2018.
Nominees will also require a seconder. The Seconder must not be from the same site as the Nominator or the Nominee; seconders do not have to be a Primary Member. If the seconder is a Secondary Member they should inform the Primary Member at the site by copying the Primary Member into the email that seconds the candidate. The Primary Member will also be asked to confirm the seconding when it is received by the current Vice-Chair.
The membership will be notified of the nominees who will be standing for election, and be provided with the supporting statements from candidates for Chair prior to the election.
At the meeting, the group will first vote to agree that election of the new Executive should proceed on the basis of the rules and process described herein.
Assuming that agreement is given, the election shall proceed as follows:
Only Primary Members may vote, except where the current Vice-Chair has received prior notification by email from the Primary Member delegating voting rights to a specified Secondary Member from their home institution.
The posts will be considered in the order noted above.
Where only one nomination has been received for a post, the nominee shall be elected unopposed.
Where two or more nominations have been received for the post of Chair, each nominee shall be invited to make a short verbal statement in support of his/her nomination in addition to their previously-circulated written statement.
Where two or more nominations have been received for any post except Chair, each nominee shall be invited to make a short verbal statement in support of his/her nomination.
Where two or more nominations have been received for a post, voting shall be by a show of hands.
Where two or more nominations have been received for a post, voting shall be in alphabetical order of surname.
In the event of a tie for any post apart from Chair, the Chair shall cast the deciding vote. In the event of a tie for Chair, the vice-Chair shall cast the deciding vote.
The incoming Executive will be asked to run the meeting after the election, following a short break.