The September 2017 HPC-SIG meeting was held at the University of Hull on Wednesday 13 September 2017, followed on Thursday 14 September by a one-day workshop based around the broad theme of how, or indeed if, cloud services, which may be on premises or public cloud, integrate into a central Research Computing service.
The agenda for the meeting was:
10.00: Coffee available
10.30: Introductions
10.35: Report from the Chair
11.00: Using RIPE Atlas probes to help find the location of network problems. Chris Walker, QMUL. Chris described using a RIPE Altas probe to debug their network in Slough after relocating their HPC service to the JISC shared datacentre.
11.45: Site Updates
Hull. Graeme Murphy
NBI (Norwich Bioscience Institutes). Chris Bridson, NBI
12.15: Lunch
13.15: ASSENT background and demonstration. David Salmon and Josh Howlett, JISC. Presentations: AAAI Pathfinder, Moonshot and Assent Update
14.15: SIG Business Matters, including future meeting dates and location.
14.45: Tea
15.00: Update on the National e-Infrastructure Survey. Jacky Pallas, Kings and Jeremy Yates, UCL
15.45: AOB
16.00: Meeting close
As always, the meeting was followed by refreshment and lively discussion in a local hostelry to which all were welcome.