The February 2017 HPC-SIG meeting was held at the University of Leeds on Thursday 9 February 2017, attracting 55 delegates from 36 Universities and affiliated sites. It was followed by the Archers Champions workshop on Friday 10 February 2017.
The agenda for the SIG meeting was:
- 10.00: Coffee available
- 10.30: Introductions
- 10.35: Report from the Chair (PDF, 240KB)
- 11.00: Parallel I/O performance on ARCHER in particular and Lustre in general (PDF, 974KB). Andy Turner, EPCC. Andy discussed the results from the recent ARCHER CSE team parallel I/O benchmarking activity and what this means for optimising the I/O write performance for applications on ARCHER, and on Lustre in general.
- 11.45 Site updates:
- University of Bradford
- Leeds site update from Martin Callaghan (PDF, 279KB)
- 12.15: Lunch
- 13.00: Updates from the 6 Tier2 EPSRC sites ( Rank Ordered List of awards)
- Peta-5: A National Facility for Petascale Data Intensive Computation and Analytics (PDF, 229KB). Filippo Spiga, Cambridge. Lead site: University of Cambridge
- GW4 Tier 2 HPC Centre for Advanced Architectures (PDF, 505KB). Chris Woods, Bristol. Lead site: University of Bristol
- Tier 2 Hub in Materials and Molecular Modelling (PDF, 636KB). Dai Jenkins, UCL. Lead site: UCL
- JADE: Joint Academic Data science Endeavour (PDF, 570KB). Paul Richmond, Sheffield. Lead site: University of Oxford
- HPC Midlands Plus (PDF, 347KB). Steven Kenny, Loughborough. Lead site: Loughborough University
- Cirrus (PDF, 3118KB). Andy Turner, EPCC. Lead site: EPCC
- 14.00: Data Analysis as a Service (PDF, 2669KB). Frazer Barnsley, Technical Lead for the ISIS DAAS project, STFC. Fraser described STFC’s experience in designing a Data Analysis as a Service platform for scientists using National Laboratory facilities.
- 14.30: SIG Business Matters, including future meeting dates and locations
(the next meeting will be on 11 May 2017 at Brighton; the following one will be in mid-September at Hull) - 14.45: Tea
- 15.00: Mind, Brain and Behavior at Columbia University: Computing and Discovery. Rajendra Bose, 2017 Chair, US Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation and Director of Research Computing, Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Columbia University Rajendra talked about his new Institute at Columbia as an example of research computing initiatives in the U.S.
- 15.45: AOB
- 16.00: Meeting close
This meeting was followed by dinner at Akbars Eastgate at the invitation of EPCC.